Importance - Performance Analysis IPA: a measure of inspector’s level of satisfaction with the self-monitoring of hazards in tattoo and piercing establishments in Andalusia
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risk perception
official health control
tattooing and piercing
Importance Performance Analysis (IPA)

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Ortiz Batanero, J. A., Fernández Alcauza, J. E., Alcalá Castilla, M., Alcón Álvarez, B. M., Córdoba Garrido, M. del M., Hernández Sánchez, R., Medina Romero, E., Orts Laza, M. de los Ángeles, Sánchez Peña, C., & Valverde López, L. I. . (2023). Importance - Performance Analysis IPA: a measure of inspector’s level of satisfaction with the self-monitoring of hazards in tattoo and piercing establishments in Andalusia. Spanish Journal of Environmental Health, 23(2), 141–153. Retrieved from


Knowing the level of satisfaction of inspectors with regard to the self-control of hazards that tattoo and piercing applicators must guarantee when carrying out inspection checks can contribute to the improvement of procedures and risk management strategies. The non-probabilistic observational study using a structured questionnaire for the Importance - Assessment Analysis (IPA) of the risk criteria that make up the Official Guide to Self-Control Systems in Andalusia that these practitioners must control, allows us to measure their satisfaction with self-control, based on the importance they attach to each criterion and their expectations of compliance by the applicators. It has been aimed at Andalusian Health Service practitioners with experience in the inspection of tattoo and piercing establishments. As the most noteworthy results, the inspectors recognise the importance of the aspects to be controlled and are moderately optimistic with regard to compliance with the self-control requirements. They are less satisfied with the handling of the autoclave, the instruments for sterilisation and the control of physicochemical and biological parameters by the applicators, the correct use of products for cleaning and disinfection (adequate doses and contact times with authorised products), access to information to ensure the use of exclusively authorised inks, the training of the applicators and the requirements regarding the traceability of the techniques and users. The main conclusion is that the methodology based on the Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA), allows the identification of specific aspects that generate less relative satisfaction among practitioners in the self-control of hazards, useful in the ex-ante and intermediate evaluation of reference documents and orientation of organisational action towards continuous improvement in risk management.

PDF (Español (España))


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