The diffundit® Electronic Journals Portal uses the free editorial management software Open Journal Systems (OJS) to host and manage quality electronic scientific journals. Its contents are distributed under an open access policy, respecting editorial standards, and providing secure access to the contents of its servers through HTTPS protocols.

Open Journal Systems (OJS)

OJS is a journal management and publishing system developed by the Public Knowledge Project to improve the dissemination and quality of research papers. The Simon Fraser University Library, Stanford University School of Education, the University of Pittsburgh Library, the University of California Digital Library, and the University of British Columbia Library are collaborating on this project.

The main features of this e-journal publishing system are:

  • Journal editors can configure the requirements, sections, article review process, etc.
  • All content can be submitted and managed online.
  • Subscription module under open access policies.
  • Exhaustive indexing of all content for collection by major databases.
  • Content reading tools based on editorial choices.
  • E-mail notification system and the possibility of reader comments.

In addition, OJS assists the editorial team throughout the entire article publication process, from the online submission and the manuscript review to final publication and indexing.


Open Access Policy

This portal provides immediate free access to the contents of its journals under the principle of open science. Its objective is that any reader has free access, free of charge and from the first moment to the knowledge generated and disseminated through scientific journals. The contents are published under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) licence, where the user is free to share and adapt the published material, giving appropriate credit and not using it for commercial purposes.

For a greater reach and impact of the hosted scientific journals, the diffundit® Electronic Journals Portal indexes and distributes its contents through different repositories and databases: Base, DOAJ, Google Scholar, OAI-PMH, RECOLECTA.

Metadata Policy

  1. Anyone can access the metadata free of charge.
  2. Metadata may not be reused for commercial purposes without formal permission.

Data Policy

  1. Anyone can access the full content free of charge.
  2. All items are individually tagged, with different usage rights and conditions depending on the publisher.

Content Policy

  1. This is a subject-based repository of different institutions.
  2. diffundit® hosts all types of materials.
  3. Deposited items may include: submitted versions (sent to the journal for review process), accepted versions (author's final revised draft), and published versions (files created by the publisher).
  4. Items are individually labelled according to their type and date.
  5. Main languages: English, Spanish, Portuguese.

Submission Policy

  1. Items may be deposited only by members accredited in a particular subject area or by the agents they delegate to.
  2. Authors may only submit for archiving their own work.
  3. The administrator only examines the items for suitability of authors/depositors, relevance within the diffundit® field, valid design and format and exclusion of spam.
  4. The depositor is responsible for the validity and authenticity of the submitted contents.
  5. Items may be submitted at any time but will only be made public once the deadline set by the editors has expired.
  6. Authors/depositors are fully responsible for any copyright infringement.
  7. Should diffundit® receive evidence of copyright infringement, the item involved will be removed immediately.

Retention Policy

  1. The items will be kept indefinitely.
  2. diffundit® will continuously ensure accessibility and readability. The format of the items will be updated if necessary.
  3. The necessary tools to access outdated formats will be provided wherever possible.
  4. diffundit® will carry out regular backups of files under current best practices.
  5. Original items as well as updated formats will be retained.
  6. Generally, items will not be removed from diffundit® (with exceptions as stated in this policy).
  7. Acceptable grounds for removal include: a) Proven copyright infringement or plagiarism; b) Legal requirements; c) National security; d) Falsified research papers.
  8. Withdrawal of items does not imply their removal but their disappearance from public view.
  9. The identifiers/URLs of removed items will be retained indefinitely.
  10. URLs will continue to point to citations to avoid broken links.
  11. No changes to deposited items are allowed.
  12. Error and correction lists may be included with the original file if necessary.
  13. If necessary, an updated version of the file can be deposited.
  14. In case of closure of diffundit®, the database will be transferred appropriately to another archive.
